Friday, December 30, 2005

First day at Whistler ....wooohhoooo!!!

Now I know I look a bit gammy in the action shot...really I am going SUPER fast! And I just did a big rail slide. Okay not quite, but real action shots to follow :)



Long time, no blog. It's been a while so I will update you in photo installments. Wishing you a very happy holiday period. Drive safely, wherever you are...I hear the road toll this year is big in NZ. Sad news.

Christmas here was fun. Unfortunately, it was also really warm. Not so good for the boarding action. It's snowed in the mountains all this week so we're looking forward to a snow-filled New Year's Eve at Whistler. Have already had a day up there in conditions that, according to locals, were no good. We thought the snow was amazing and the mountains are overwhelming. We've got four days up there next week and are SOO excited!!

First of all, here are the pre-Christmas photos.

The one with the ducks is a local lake that has frozen solid.

The one of Pies is him singing Christmas carols, which I made him download despite it being a complete mission and Jamie having to add money to his All of MP3 account at the same time as trying to edit a huge TV commercial for Mitsubishi. Thanks Jamie!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Love and other things

So, my two best friends have officially fallen in love with each other. It is so lovely, very romantic and we are all very excited. I'll send you a pic of the happy couple when I get one of them together.

Meanwhile, my two second best friends are desperately trying to find rich women to fall in love with them. I think they are all besotted with a pretty European girl they know. Unfortunately, she only likes bad boys and doesn't date anyone under six foot two (she being six foot herself) so I think they may be out of luck there.

Tonight we are off to see a one-man ballet at a local theatre. I generally love ballet for the ballerinas and find the men are just there to do a squillion pirouettes in a row and throw the ballerinas in the I'm intrigued to see a ballet without the girls.

I start a contract at HSBC bank on Monday. I'll be working on the product launches of a whole lot of new consumer products. All rather dull, but I can walk to work in ten minutes, the people seem nice and for the most part the hours will be 8am to 4pm.

The weather has had a miraculous turnaround and we seem to have day after day of glorious sunshine.

That's all from the land of Sez.

Missing you all xxx

Friday, December 09, 2005

Oh Christmas lovely are your branches

When I think of Christmas trees, I think of big, bold trees that stand proudly in the living room and fill the entire house with a festive Christmassy spirit. And there's the other kind. The kind so small and spindly you have to perch them on a box just so they can be seen. The kind you hang everything you can find on to camouflage the fact that you can see the plastic centre because half the fake leaves fell off when you got it out of the box. The kind that you pay $8.99 for and even that feels like a rip off. The kind like this:


It was an amazing day today. I don't mind that the sun sets at half past four if it sets like this. These are from my balony. I'm particularly proud of my view of about five motorways merging!

The Cross Yaletown

This store quite possibly makes it onto my top ten stores worldwide list. It's so beautiful I had to share it with you.

Monday, December 05, 2005


One of our fave diners and one of the most beautiful home stores.

Sez and the Nae

I've had the lovely Renee with me for the last few days. It has been so much fun, and we'vehad so much snow! Which is kinda now becoming a bit of a pain. Here's some pics.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


So, today I was leaving my apartment at 2pm for an interview, all prim and proper in my suit and I heard my neighbour having sex! And not my neighbour, as in next door to me, but my neighbour as in down the other end of the hall!! And whoever he was having sex with was a screamer. I was mortified.